Community Food and Nutrition Skills for the Early Years
Level 2
The Level 2 Community Food and Nutrition Skills for the Early Years course provides all staff working with families and children in the early years with an opportunity for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in nutrition. Click here for further information about the course
Support staff can also complete the Level 2 Community Food and Nutrition Skills course if they wish to go on to deliver Get Cooking or Come and Cook groups with their communities. Staff who complete the Level 2 Community Food and Nutrition Skills course, gain accreditation, and complete Agored Cymru introduction to assessment training, can deliver Level 1 Nutrition Skills courses including Get Cooking and Come and Cook.
Trained support workers can assist registered health care professionals to deliver practical sessions for community groups such as weaning (complementary feeding) parties, meal preparation, feeding a family on a limited budget.
Useful resources
We recommend that all staff attend a refresher nutrition training session approximately every 2 years to keep their nutrition knowledge and skills up to date. Check the ‘What’s on in my area? ‘ pages or contact your dietetic team to find out when these sessions are running near you.