Foodwise for Life course
Level 1, 2 credits

If you would like to learn more about how to lose weight the healthy way, become more active and to find support and ideas to help you change your eating habits this course is ideal for you.
Foodwise for Life is delivered by trained community workers; sessions are fun and informal and cover a range of topics to encourage and support you. The sessions may be delivered alongside exercise sessions such as the National Exercise on Referral Scheme in some areas. There are eight sessions and each session is 1 to 1 1½ hours long. Sessions can be delivered weekly or fortnightly and either virtually or face-to-face. The sessions cover the following content.
Session | Content |
1 | Preparing to change for life |
2 | The Eatwell Guide |
3 | Portion sizes and you |
4 | Up and about |
5 | Food labels |
6 | Focus on your food |
7 | Food and drink swaps |
8 | Changing for life |
The Foodwise for Life course is for anyone over 18 and with a body mass index (BMI) of over 25kg/m². If you are not sure what your BMI is you can contact the course tutor, ask your GP or practice nurse or have a go at calculating it using the NHS BMI healthy weight calculator. / or by visiting the NHS BMI calculator app.
Foodwise for Life is accredited by Agored Cymru for two credits at level one. If you are interested in the course, how to gain credit for learning or how to become a Foodwise for Life facilitator contact your local dietetic team.
Feedback from participants
“I have made a lot of changes, I am walking more and eating less”.
“I have learnt that there is way too much sugar/salt in many products and how to look for alternatives and or reducing portion sizes”.
“I go swimming with my daughter every week”.
Get involved
For information and contact details for how to attend or deliver this programme please select your Health Board area