Tiny Tums / Boliau Bach
Boliau Bach / Tiny Tums is a Best Practice award for Early Years childcare settings in North Wales, which is managed by the BCUHB Public Health Dietetic Team. The award recognises and rewards these settings for achieving best practice in their food and drink provision for 1-4 year olds, in line with Welsh Government.
Boliau Bach / Tiny Tums is a Best Practice award for Early Years childcare settings in North Wales, which is managed by the BCUHB Public Health Dietetic Team. The award recognises and rewards these settings for achieving best practice in their food and drink provision for 1-4 year olds, in line with Welsh Government guidance (2018).
To be eligible for the award each setting is required to have at least one member of staff who has successfully completed Community Food and Nutrition Skills for the Early Years (level 2) After this, settings are eligible to apply for the Tiny Tums award which involves submitting their menus, food policy and a Tiny Tums menu checklist to the dietetics team. To be eligible for the award each setting is required to have at least one member of staff who has successfully completed Community Food and Nutrition Skills for the Early Years (level 2) After this, settings are eligible to apply for the Tiny Tums award which involves submitting their menus, food policy and a Tiny Tums menu checklist to the dietetics team. Constructive feedback and advice is provided to support settings to achieve the award. Successful settings are awarded with a Tiny Tums Best Practice certificate and window sticker, which is valid for 3 years. Settings are encouraged to proudly display their certificates and to share the success of their award with parents and children.