About Us

Who we are
We are Registered Dietitians, Registered Public Health Nutritionists, Dietetic Assistant Practitioners and Dietetic Support Workers working for NHS Wales. We work specifically in the area of public health and health improvement within the seven local health boards.
Our role is to help groups of people to maintain or improve their health through what they eat and drink. We do this through investing in personal skills, providing practical and evidence- based education on food and nutrition whilst simultaneously working with communities to improve access to healthier food.
Our aim
Our aim is that people in Wales have the skills, opportunity and confidence to access healthy, affordable and sustainable food for themselves, their families and their communities.
Our objectives are to
- Build capacity in the community workforce in Wales to inform and support communities to access a varied and balanced diet
- Deliver accredited nutrition training to promote consistent nutrition messages and contribute towards the prevention of nutrition related disease
- Support the development of healthier environments and improved access to nutritious foods through training and advice
- Support local action and development of community food initiatives through co-production and ensure they are evidenced based
- Support local partnerships to raise the profile of nutrition and help to achieve better outcomes in relation to nutrition and health for their population
- Focus on working with communities that experience disadvantage and may benefit the most.
Take a look at our website to find out more about us and ways in which we can help you or the people you work with to have a healthy, affordable and sustainable diet.
Background information
The foundations of Nutrition Skills for Life® were laid in 2006 as a result of the first food and health strategy for Wales Food and Well-being (2003) and the Food and Fitness for Children and Young People Implementation Plan (2005)
More recently A Healthier Wales (2019) and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act (2015) set out the vision for improving people’s future health and well-being, preventing illness and reducing health inequalities. Being able to access a varied and balanced diet, wherever we live in Wales, is essential for good health. We all have the right to food that is affordable, healthy, nourishing and safe to eat. We have a right to food that is produced close to home, good for the planet (sustainable diets) and food that is our own choice. This is a basic human right.
There are multiple agencies and organisations in Wales supporting communities to access a varied and balanced diet. Through local networks and partnerships, Nutrition Skills for Life® offers nutrition education, training and resources for staff, volunteers and communities. We support the development of community food and health initiatives such as cook and eat groups, food pantries, luncheon clubs, as well as action to support improvements to food and nutrition provision within key settings such as early years childcare settings, schools, leisure, youth and community settings, and care settings for older people/vulnerable adults.
Further information about the specialist role of Public Health Dietitians can be found here.